The Great BrEXITain 2016

BrEXIT - A historic referendum in the UK

BrEXIT Fears Scenario 1 - GBP vs USD

BrEXIT Fears Scenario 2 - GBP vs PHP - P60 Soon?

Falling Pound - God Save The Pound!

Disclaimer: All information and insights posted here are based on Puhunan's learning experience as a newly converted TRADER with real stocks open and/or closed positions. This is not a paid PR-work for any personalities or articles linked here as references for the subject. Also this is not a recommendation or to hype any similar stocks but simply a trading journal for purposes of having the ability to access and review it online anywhere anytime. Puhunan takes no responsibilities to any losses you may incur by blindly following or copying any positions, strategies and/or practices you may find useful here.


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